This place is an obstacle course that only some survive, but is the only thing that makes us feel alive. It’s scary and comforting and dangerous and extremely safe for all the right and wrong reasons. Your family is bigger than you and your mother and your mother’s mother. It’s everyone trapped a mile high in the clouds. There’s no escaping and nowhere to hide. We need each other to come out alive. All the gossip and drama and arguments and fights that we thought were the end of the world turned out to be the easy part. Those who look from down below will say that we’re stoners and druggies and self-destructive screw-ups, but we’re just kids trying to survive. That doesn't matter though. Their assumptions chip away at us until we start to believe them and give in enough to entertain. On the outside, we’re choked by the rumors and cracked under the pressure of stereotypes. But if you asked us, we’d say we’re proud to be someone's and somethings to those in the somewheres of the world.